Safer passwords online

16 Apr

This article isn’t just about banking. It is about any computer transaction where you need to type in a password.

Suppose that you have a virus, one called a key-logger. (Oh no! Boo!) This is a program that infests itself on your computer, runs in the background without you knowing, and copies down every stroke that you have ever typed. It can be run by someone who has access to your computer, or worse yet, can be run remotely, which means that it sends the information back to a user automatically when you connect to the Internet.

In order to fight against things like this, try these things:

Don’t type your password in order – If your password was “hello”, then you might type “lo”, then place the cursor at the beginning of the string, type “el”, then place the cursor at the beginning of the string, and type “h”. A key-logger is going to capture the letters, but not the order. Hopefully the password field will also be showing password dots, like this: ● ● ● ● ●

Use different computers and Change your password frequently – Do these in conjunction with each other. Don’t always change your password on the same computer, in case it is the one that is infected. Also, read above and type your original password out of order. (This could take some planning because passwords often have to be typed twice)

Look for the “s” – As shown in the accompanying image to this post, look for the “s” at the end of “http”. It means the connection has heightened security. Any time you need to input your credit card number or something else that is worth money, this is one security measure you want to see. Along with the “s”, in many browsers you will also find an image of a lock, usually located in the bottom right-hand corner. This “s” and lock mean that you are most likely connecting directly to the site, rather than through an insecure route that may allow middle-man eavesdropping.

Don’t use a simple password – Hopefully these days this goes without saying, but don’t use something that is easily guessable. A good password has lower and upper case, numbers and letters and even punctuation. Many sites are forcing you to create a password like this with character detecting. Your password should look something (un)like this: tJ76/lP$

Don’t use swear words as passwords, as they are very popular and guessable. The top 4 passwords are: “123456″ “password” “12345678″ “1234″ and the fifth most popular is a bad word. To find out more poorly chosen passwords, click here

Don’t use more than one anti-virus – More is not better, in this case. The reason for this is because one anti-virus detects other anti-viruses definitions. Anti-viruses download virus definitions to know what the latest viruses are, in order to detect them. Other anti-virus programs see these and think it is the virus. They are detecting false viruses. You dont want this.

Use Avast on a PC, Mac Os, Linux, or Ubuntu – A FREE and top-rated anti-virus that I prefer to use is Avast. It does boots from DOS, which means that no other viruses can already be running when you are installing it. It updates automatically and regularly. It seems to take up less RAM than Norton and it seems to be continuously rated well.

If you have the option to use Mac, Linux or Ubuntu as your operating system you are also much less likely to have a virus. However, you many have problems with programs and drivers working. This problem seems to be diminishing due to the fact that more and more support is available for alternative Operating Systems.

Don’t use Free Wifi – There are thousands of free softwares available that allow a person to see what you are doing and typing on shared open access wifi. Do yourself a favor and don’t open your computer up to this type of vulnerability. Read more about it here.

Hopefully your banking institutions are employing these methods:

Multiple security questions that change each time – The institute asks you to answer different questions that you know the answer to each time you log on. This way you are not key logging the answer right away. The next time you log on the the bank site it will ask another question looking for a new answer.

OTP – “O”ne “T”ime “P”asswords are an option that is enabled with your phone. When you log on to the website, you are asked to press a button to send a password to your phone. You are SMSed a password that works only one time, which you need to input in to the site to gain access to your account.

It is quite genius, but it means that you have to have your phone on you at the time, you cannot change phone numbers without updating your bank, and you cannot access your accounts from outside of the country.


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10 responses to “Safer passwords online

  1. Kim

    April 24, 2011 at 8:42 am

    Great stuff!
    “Don’t use more than one anti-virus”. No wonder why my computer keeps having these annoying security alerts every 5-10 minutes from my anti-viruses. That helps a lot. And good work for the recommened anti-virus program “Avast”. I have been searching for the anti-virus that would best help protect my computer away from all viruses and never found one. Although the program is a trial version, there is still ways that I could get it in full version and not needing to spend any money. Right? He he 😉

    • ictdesign

      April 24, 2011 at 8:51 am

      There is a free “Home” or personal version.

  2. Chip

    April 24, 2011 at 8:44 am

    This article is very helpful and very cool because first I didn’t know that there is a virus called Key-logger which will send a information of every stroke that you wrote down to the person who sent you the virus. They will be able to access it every accounts that you have and the cool way the I saw in the article which will avoid this problem is don’t type the password in order.

    Btw, I think the link to find out poorly chosen passwords was broken. It is under the title “Don’t use a simple password”

    • ictdesign

      April 24, 2011 at 8:49 am

      Thanks Chip. I have added the link properly now, I hope. 😉

  3. Rut

    April 24, 2011 at 8:45 am

    wow!! I didn’t know that before, i think I need to change my password now, because I feel unsafe with my password.

  4. Kocoa

    April 24, 2011 at 8:45 am

    Wow Thanks for the tips! I really like your way of dealing with possible keyloggers! I understand the keyloggers can be a huge threat , but I didn’t know about this Avast software before I read about it here.

  5. Pond

    April 24, 2011 at 8:46 am

    This is very useful! I don’t really care about the anti-virus thing because I barely touch it and my computer is not that old, so virus is not a problem. But the swapping letters around – “Don’t type your password in order” – is very simple and should be a very effective way. Changing passwords once in a while would be okay also. Thanks!

  6. Naam

    April 24, 2011 at 8:47 am

    Wow, very useful information Mr. J! I’ve heard and seen the https:// thing before, though not too often.

    But I have a question – suppose I’m typing my password into a website that does not have the https:// but rather just plain http://, does that mean that my password isn’t safe at all?

  7. Heart

    April 25, 2011 at 6:28 am

    Wow, new information 2 me. thank you.

  8. silvia

    April 28, 2011 at 4:30 am

    This article is very helpful. Great information. Thank you.


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